strength n. 1.力,力量,体力。 2.强度,浓度;长处;(要塞等的)抵抗力。 3.实力;兵力;全体人数,额定人数,编制。 4.笔力;文势。 5.(证券等的)市价坚挺。 6.〔美俚〕(可能有的)利润。 have not the strength to do it 没有气力做这个。 That will add strength to your argument. 那会增加你的辩论的力量的。 Take part in the physical exercises and build up your strength. 参加体育活动增强体力。 the strength of will 意志力。 the strength of the alcohol 这酒精的浓度。 fighting strength 战斗力。 mobilized strength 战时编制。 effective strength 实额,实际人数。 a policy of strength 实力政策。 What is your strength 你们一共有多少人? a tower of strength 金城铁壁。 the breaking [shock, tensile] strength 抗断[抗冲、抗拉]强度。 the working strength 资用强度。 strength of draught 【机械工程】通风强度。 strength of material 材料力学。 strength of structure 构造力学。 be [be taken] on the strength 【军事】编入编制内。 below strength 不够编制。 by main strength 奋力。 in full strength 全体动员。 in (great) strength 人多势众地,用巨大力量。 on the strength 〔英口语〕在士兵名册上。 on [upon] the strength of 依赖,靠着。 up to strength 够编制。 with all one's strength 尽力。
main adj. 1.主要的,主,全,总。 2.充分的,尽量的;全力的,有力的。 the main clause 主要子句,主句。 a main event =〔俚语〕 a main go 主要比赛。 the main fleet 主力舰队。 main operations 主力战。 the main pipe 总管(道)。 a main squeeze 〔美俚〕中心人物,首脑,大老板。 the main line 〔英国〕(铁路)干线;〔美国〕主血管;【电话】中继线。 by main force [strength] 全力;全靠武力[力量]。 main chance 获利良机 (have an eye for the main chance 注意抓住谋取私利的良机)。 with main strength 用全力。 n. 1.体力,气力;力〔仅用于 with might and main中〕;主要部分,要点〔仅用于 for [in] the main中〕; 2. 〔诗〕大海,大洋;〔古语〕本土 (= mainland)。 3.(自来水、煤气等的)总管;干线,干管。 4.【航海】 = mainmast;mainsail. water from the main自来水。 a water main自来水总管。 a supply main自来水总管;馈电干线。 for the main 大体上,大致,大抵。 turn on the main 〔俚语〕哭出来。 with (all one's) might and main 尽全力。 vt. 〔美俚〕把(海洛因等)注射进静脉。
Folks got up everywheres in the crowd , and worked their way just by main strength to the mourners bench , with the tears running down their faces ; and when all the mourners had got up there to the front benches in a crowd , they sung and shouted and flung themselves down on the straw , just crazy and wild 一堆堆人群里,人们站起身来,全凭力气,挤着出来,挤到了那一排悔罪的板凳这边来,脸上流着泪水。等到一群悔罪的人全都到了这排悔罪的板凳那里,他们就唱了起来,吼了起来,并且扑倒在面前的稻草上,简直就疯狂了。
While we were thus preparing our designs , and had first , by main strength heav d the boat up upon the beach , so high that the tide would not fleet her off at high - water - mark ; and besides , had broke a hole in her bottom , too big to be quickly stopp d , and were sat down musing what we should do ; we heard the ship fire a gun , and saw her make a waft with her antient , as a signal for the boat to come on board ; but no boat stirr d ; and they fir d several times , making other signals for the boat 首先,我们竭尽全力,把小船推到较高的沙滩上。这样,即使潮水上涨,也不致把船浮起来何况,我们已在船底凿了个大洞,短时间内无法把洞补好。正当我们坐在地上,寻思着下一步计划时,只听见大船上放了一枪,并且摇动旗帜发出信号,叫小船回去。